Supporting your mission.
our team has supported the h-60 black Hawk since its introduction into private ownership in 2014.
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Our Mission
Our mission is simple: to pool our resources of partnerships, expertise, and experience to best support your Black Hawk mission. Black Hawk Brothers is able to assist in aircraft acquisition, see your modernization and de-mil project from start to finish, and continue to support your aircraft throughout its working life. With extensive experience in aerial firefighting, external loads, and other restricted and public-use operations, BHB is sure to meet your equipment needs.
BHB is proud to offer the following services, applicable to all models and variants of the H-60 Black Hawk:
Aircraft Acquisition Assistance and Oversight: Black Hawk Brothers is partnered with owners of some of the largest private helicopter fleets in the world. If you’re looking to purchase or lease a bird, we know just the place.
Modernization and De-Militarization: Our decades of experience have allowed us to narrow down the safest and most efficient way to remove all of the unnecessary equipment and wiring that the military has installed for their purposes, but aren’t useful to civilian operations. Removing this weight results in hundreds of pounds of an increased useful load and a much cleaner aircraft for inspections, modifications, equipment installation, and more.
Modification and Upgrades: Our team has installed just about every modification and upgrade that is made available of the H-60 Black Hawk. Not only do we install our ‘standard issue’ equipment bundle for civilian operations, but we can also install any equipment that you need to meet the requirements of your mission.
PMI-1 and PMI-2: PMI’s, or Phase Maintenance Inspections, on the H-60 Black Hawk are broken up into two categories. The PMI-1’s are a bit lighter in scope and address the general condition of the aircraft while the PMI-2’s are a little bit more in-depth, addressing a wider array of the systems on the helicopter and looking at things with quite a bit more detail. Each PMI is completed every 480 hours in phase with one another. For example, say you have just completed a PMI-1. In 480 hours, a PMI-2 will be due, and in 960 hours, and PMI-1 will be due again, and so on. (In some cases, the 480-hour phase is shortened to 360 hours.)
USFS-Carded Mechanics: Black Hawk Brothers has a number of mechanics on-staff that have been carded by the United States Forest Service. Not only does that mean we are familiar with contracts for purposes of ensuring your aircraft is up-to-spec, but our mechanics can also perform work and provide relief on aircraft that are on contract.
Avionics Installation and Support: From communication to navigation to external equipment and more, avionics technicians are able to install and provide support for whatever systems you require to complete your mission. Beyond avionics, our team is experienced in installing and modifying wiring to support systems such as hooks, buckets, tanks, and more.
Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance: With decades of experience, there isn’t much our team hasn’t seen. Whether you have a PMI just around the corner, or something ‘exciting’ has come up, give us a call - we’re here to help.
Aircraft Management and Consulting: Keeping the rotors turning is no easy task. It’s often best to have a second set of eyes take a look at things. Is that inspection due? Is there an alternative method of compliance that requires less downtime? Our team can help as much or as little as possible in your day-to-day operations.
Our decades of experience and unique partnerships within the community grant us the opportunity to assist aircraft owners and operators and provide oversight in a variety of additonal areas such as aircraft refinishing, aircraft weight and balance, type certification, and more. With few situations left unencountered, BHB is sure to assist you in finding an impactful solution to your needs. For more information, contact us.